New Canada Food Guide to reflect multicultural population

May 11, 2005 in Healthy Eating, Nutrition Topics in the News

New Canada Food Guide to reflect multicultural population

Meetings being held by Health Canada with health groups across the country have provided a sneak peek of the new food guide due out early next year. The familiar rainbow on Canada's Food Guide, which hasn't been updated since 1992, is being revamped to reflect a variety of issues including new scientific knowledge and Canada's increasingly multicultural population.

A common complaint of the current guide is that it does not represent the Canadian population, with more than 200 ethnic groups. Health Canada is hoping to make the new guide more culturally diverse by including more pictures and examples of ethnic foods, possibly even creating different guides for different cultural groups.

Other revisions will reflect recent advancements in nutritional sciences, the current emphasis on the different types of dietary fats and the importance of portion sizes.

Health Canada is promising the new guide will be more interactive and personal, similar to the new food pyramid released in the United States a few weeks ago.

The current guide can be viewed on Health Canada's website:

For more information on Health Canada's revision process of the current guide, click here

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