Officially still sweet on aspartame

May 15, 2006 in Food Safety, Nutrition Topics in the News

Officially still sweet on aspartame

It seems many of us still believe that aspartame has some hidden negative health effects just waiting to be discovered. Health Canada continues to review the latest studies on this artificial sweetener, and as yet, they still find it safe for human consumption.

Health Canada scientists have reviewed the published data from a recent research study of aspartame, published in the European Journal of Oncology and in Environmental Health Perspectives. The Health Canada scientists concluded that the reported findings did not indicate a need to change the existing restrictions on use of aspartame already outlined in the Food and Drug Regulations. Health Canada is also currently analyzing the complete set of raw data.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also reviewed the study and concluded "on the basis of all the evidence currently available, that there is no need to further review the safety of aspartame nor to revise the previously established Acceptable Daily Intake."

This conclusion supports Health Canada's initial assessment of this study. Nonetheless, Health Canada will continue with its comprehensive analysis of the raw data recently received. As is the case whenever new information concerning the safety of a product arises, this new data will be carefully reviewed. Should any conclusive evidence be found linking the consumption of aspartame to adverse health effects, Health Canada will take appropriate action.

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