Findings suggest link between vitamin D and cancer prevention

May 2, 2007 in Cancer Prevention, Nutrition Topics in the News

Findings suggest link between vitamin D and cancer prevention

Preliminary findings from American researchers at the University of Nebraska suggest vitamin D may be linked to cancer prevention.

While higher rates of cancer in northern latitudes have long been attributed to pollutants from industry - these recent findings suggest vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sunshine may actually be to blame.

The four year study involving more than 1,200 women found that participants who took a daily dose of vitamin D were a whopping 60 percent less likely to develop cancer than women not taking the supplement.

Vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to the sun. However for most Canadians the sun is too weak between October and March to produce much of the vitamin, putting as us higher risk of deficiency. 

Some food sources, such as salmon and cod liver oil offer some vitamin D, but in levels far less than what exposure to the sun can offer.

Check back to this site in June for a summary of the complete study findings.

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