After a review of the current research, Health Canada has deemed pure oats, always thought to contain gluten, safe for the majority of people with gluten intolerance.
Gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, affects an estimated 1 in 133 Canadians. It is an inherited immune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged by gluten, a protein found in many grain products. This intestinal damage can interfere with the absorption of key nutrients including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin and minerals. A gluten-free diet is currently the only treatment for celiac disease.
Gluten, found in wheat, rye and barley, acts as a binding agent in baked goods and helps give breads a softer texture. It's also used as a binding agent in many processed and packaged foods such as veggie burgers and luncheon meats.
The possibility of adding oats to a gluten-free diet would offer people with celiac disease wider variety food choices. Individuals with celiac disease are urged to consult their health professional before adding pure, uncontaminated oats to their diet. Pure oats are recommended because they have been grown and produced using methods that minimize the presence of gluten.
For more information about oats and the gluten-free diet, visit Health Canada's website.
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