Overly cooked foods may boost cancer risk in women

December 5, 2007 in Cancer Prevention, Nutrition Topics in the News, Women's Health

Overly cooked foods may boost cancer risk in women

Eating foods that have been cooked at high temperatures may increase a woman's chance of developing cancer.

This increased risk is thought to be due to a high intake of acrylamide, a chemical that's produced when carbohydrates are cooked at temperatures above 120° C.

In an analysis of The Netherlands Cohort Study, women with the highest levels of acrylamide in their bodies had double the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer as compared to women with lower amounts of this chemical.

The amount of acrylamide linked to increased cancer risk were similar to what's found in one packet of crisps, half a pack of biscuits, or a portion of potato chips. Acrylamide is also found in French fries, cookies, burned toast, coffee or meat that has been fried, baked, roasted, grilled or barbequed.

To lower your intake of acrylamide, the researchers recommend eating home-cooked meals as opposed to fast food and restaurant meals. The Canadian Cancer Society also recommends eating at home to help control portion sizes, limit the amount of sodium and type of fat in your daily food choices.

For recipes and ideas for your next home-cooked meal, check out our Healthy Recipes.

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