According to a new study from University of Nottingham in the UK, healthy but sedentary women who begin to exercise may burn more fat after eating a high-fibre, low-glycemic index breakfast.
In this study, researchers assessed fat metabolism after exercise among eight young, non-dieting, healthy women after eating either a low-glycemic index or a high-glycemic index breakfast. Each breakfast provided equal amounts of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
The low-glycemic index breakfast contained 3.5 grams of fibre and including foods like muesli cereal, canned peaches, milk and a small amount of apple juice. The high-glycemic index breakfast provided 1.5 grams of fibre from foods like cornflakes, white bread and jam. Instead of juice, a carbonated beverage containing glucose was given to this group.
Three hours after eating one of the two breakfasts, the women walked for 60 minutes and had measures of their fat and carbohydrate metabolism recorded.
After their walk, the women who ate the high-fibre, low-glycemic breakfast showed higher rates of fat and total carbohydrate metabolism in comparison to their peers who ate the low-fibre breakfast.
After eating the same lunch, the women reported feeling more full when they ate the high-fibre breakfast versus the low-fibre breakfast.
In support of this study, published in the May 2009 issue of The Journal of Nutrition, previous research has shown increased fat metabolism among athletes who eat low glycemic index foods.
Glycemic index refers to the rate at which a food causes blood sugar to rise after you eat it. Examples of high-fibre, low glycemic index breakfast foods include fresh whole fruits, large flaked or steel cut oats, 100% wholegrain bread, Kellogg's All Bran Buds, and Red River cereal.
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