No-Fail Diet

The barrage of conflicting diet and nutrition schemes available could send the most deeply health-conscious person staggering toward the couch with a bag of taco chips.
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The No-Fail Diet is a nutritionally balanced, easy-to-follow, and realistic diet plan that will help you lose weight and keep it off permanently. No counting calories, fat grams, or carbohydrate grams - it's a healthy eating plan that fits into real life.
The No-Fail Diet will help you:
- Lose up to 20 to 30 pounds in 12 weeks
- Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
- Look and feel great
- Increase your energy
- Stay healthy and active as you age
The No-Fail Diet is complete with:
- Four flexible weight loss plans
- A day-by-day menu plan with meal and snack ideas and healthy eating tips
- Over 75 delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes
- 12-week fitness plan complete with demonstration photographs
- Tracking tools to keep you motivated and enhance success
Questions and Answers with Leslie about The No-Fail Diet.
What's Inside The No-Fail Diet.
Sample Menus:
Week 3, Sunday
Week 7, Tuesday
Try these Sample Recipes!
Sample Recipes