
With its ruby red stalks and dark green leaves, rhubarb is a hallmark sign of early summer. And it scores well on the nutrition front!


Nutrition Notes

Rhubarb is unmistakable with its ruby red celery-like stalks and large green leaves.  Rhubarb stalks are very tart, while its leaves are toxic and should never be consumed.  On the nutrition front, rhubarb is very low in calories and a decent source of vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Rhubarb is a good source of fibre (5 g per one cup cooked), vitamins C and K and blood-pressure-regulating potassium. While it’s an exceptional source of calcium with 348 mg per one cup, a little more than one cup of milk, much of this calcium isn’t easily absorbed by the body.

Avoid rhubarb if you are predisposed to calcium-oxalate kidney stones. Rhubarb is high in oxalates, natural compounds that can contribute to kidney stone formation.

Due to its tart taste, rhubarb needs a fair amount of sweetener to make it palatable. To help reduce the amount of sugar used, sweeten rhubarb with other sweet fruits such as strawberries and apples.

Rhubarb has long been regarded for its medicinal properties.  It's been used as a laxative thanks to its high content of emodin and rhein, two natural compounds with laxative properties.

Nutrient information per 1 cup (250 ml) fresh, diced rhubarb:

Calories 29 kcal
Fat  0.15 g
Protein 0.75 g
Carbohydrate 7 g
Fibre 2.5 g
Vitamin C 10.3 mg
Calcium  266 mg
Potassium 148 mg

Source: Canadian Nutrient File, 2007b


Most varieties of rhubarb fall into two basic types: hothouse and field grown.  Both are available from early spring to early summer. 

Hothouse rhubarb has pink to pale red stalks and yellow-green leaves.  Generally, hothouse varieties are less stringy than field-grown.  Field-grown rhubarb tends to have a more pronounced flavor and cherry red stalks and green leaves.

Popular varieties of rhubarb include 1) Canada Red, with long, thick stalks and an extra sweet flavour, 2) Cherry Red, which has rich deep crimson colour and, 3) Valentine, known for its extra long stalks.


When buying fresh rhubarb look for crisp stalks that are bright and colorful. The leaves should be fresh looking and blemish free.  Avoid stalks that are dried out on the ends or have wilting leaves. Stalks should be firm and crisp, not limp. Small leaves usually indicate younger and more tender stalks.

If you've got a backyard crop, harvest the rhubarb when stalks are brightly hued but not too thick. Avoid waiting for the stalks to get too long and thick, otherwise they will have a tougher texture. 


To store fresh rhubarb remove the leaves, wrap the stalks in plastic wrap and then store in the refrigerator where they'll keep for up to three days.  Never eat the leaves of rhubarb, cooked or raw, as they're poisonous to both humans and animals.

To freeze rhubarb chop stalks into 1/2-inch pieces, spread them on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer. Once frozen, slide the rhubarb pieces into a resealable plastic freezer bag. Seal tightly and put back in the freezer. Packed this way, rhubarb will keep for up to six months.


To prepare fresh rhubarb use a vegetable peeler to remove any brown or scaly spots. You don't need to peel the entire stalk unless it is really stringy. Trim the ends and wash and dry the stalks. Cut the stalks into 1 to 2-inch pieces for cooking. One pound of rhubarb yields about 3 cups chopped.

Rhubarb can be eaten raw, but it's generally cooked and sweetened, or combined with other ingredients in a cooked or baked dish.

It's important to cook rhubarb in nonreactive metal pots or glass baking dishes. Pots made with aluminum, iron or copper will react with the acids in the rhubarb and will turn it an unappetizing brown color.  Use glass, stainless steel or enamel-coated cast-iron cookware.

To bake rhubarb place cut-up stalks in a glass-baking dish and sprinkle with sugar.  Cover and bake in a 300°F (150°C) oven until tender, about 30 minutes.

To stew rhubarb place chopped stalks in saucepan with a few tablespoons of water, sugar and seasoning (orange zest, fresh ginger and vanilla bean work well).  Stir until well combined. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer gently, stirring frequently until tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.


Rhubarb works well in sweet and savoury dishes. It's delicious in pies, muffins and quick breads.  In North America, rhubarb and strawberries are a favourite combination, while in other countries, such as the UK, its often paired with ginger.


  • Toss a handful of cooked or stewed rhubarb in your morning smoothie for a boost of potasssium.
  • Stir ¼ cup (50 ml) cooked or stewed rhubarb into a bowl of oatmeal; sweeten with sliced strawberries or a drizzle of honey.
  • Add diced rhubarb to quick breads, pancakes and muffins batters.


  • Start your meal with a bowl of cold rhubarb and fresh berry soup.
  • Add a small amount of cooked, diced rhubarb to fruit salads.


  • Pair rhubarb chutney with roasted meat, such as beef or pork - click here for a recipe.
  • Finish a special meal with a slice of homemade rhubarb pie - click here for a recipe.
  • Enjoy a small bowl of stewed, sweetened rhubarb for dessert.
  • Serve stewed rhubarb over a scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt for a nutritious dessert.
  • Enjoy a small bowl of rhubarb sorbet for a refreshing hot-weather treat - click here for a recipe.

Did you know?

  • The word rhubarb comes from the Latin word "rhabarbum", which means near the river.
  • Rhubarb didn't become known for its culinary qualities until the late 1700's; prior to this it was regarded for its medicinal properties.

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Foodland Ontario

Cooking Light
