Folate, magnesium, fibre linked to lower colon cancer risk
Folate, magnesium, fibre linked to lower colon cancer risk Folate, magnesium and dairy products may all help ward off colon cancer, but there's no…
Coffee tied to improved colorectal cancer survival
Coffee tied to improved colorectal cancer survival In a large group of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, drinking a few cups of coffee a day was…
Healthy diet protects against prostate cancer
Healthy diet protects against prostate cancer The Canadian Cancer Society estimates that more than 23,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in…
Updated diet, physical activity guidelines for cancer prevention
Updated diet, physical activity guidelines for cancer prevention In June 2020, the American Cancer Society (ACS) released updated lifestyle recommendations to…
High fibre diet linked to lower breast cancer risk
High fibre diet linked to lower breast cancer risk According to a new research review, consuming a diet high in fibre may help guard against breast cancer. …
Diets with more fibre, yogurt tied to lower risk of lung cancer
Diets with more fibre, yogurt tied to lower risk of lung cancer Even among smokers, people who eat more fibre and yogurt may be less likely to develop lung…
Controversial study: “No need to cut back on red and processed meat”
Controversial study: “No need to cut back on red and processed meat” Cutting back on red and processed meat brings few if any health benefits, according…
Apples, tea and moderation: 3 ingredients for a long life
Apples, tea and moderation: 3 ingredients for a long life Consuming flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects against cancer and heart disease,…
Men who eat yogurt may have lower colon cancer risk
Men who eat yogurt may have lower colon cancer risk Men who eat at least two servings of yogurt each week may be lowering their risk for colorectal cancer, a…
Less fat, more vegetables cuts risk of dying from breast cancer
Less fat, more vegetables cuts risk of dying from breast cancer A balanced, lower-fat diet significantly lowers the risk of dying from breast cancer in…