Leslie's Featured Content

Leslie's Featured Content

Showing Results 21-30 (146 Total)

5 ways to break a weight loss plateau

5 ways to break a weight loss plateau Weight loss plateaus are a normal, but frustrating, part of losing weight. In many cases, it’s possible to push…

Four vegetables to eat this summer

Four vegetables to eat this summer I love summer for its abundance of locally-grown, farm fresh vegetables. It’s the time of year I can take a break…

9 ways to sneak more water into your day

9 ways to sneak more water into your day Most of us know we should drink plenty of water each day to keep our body running in high gear. Water regulates our…

Are you getting enough vitamin E?

Are you getting enough vitamin E? Most of us don’t pay much attention to vitamin E, a nutrient that’s plentiful in nuts, seeds and leafy greens.…