Blueberry Vichyssoise

A beautiful and refreshing soup for a hot summer's eve. 

Blueberry Vichyssoise


Quantity Ingredients
5 new potatoes, washed in cold water
4-5 green onions, white part only
3 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup blueberries, washed
1/2 cup 2% milk


1. Cut washed potatoes into quarters. Cut scallions into 1/2-inch pieces. In a large pot, bring chicken stock, potatoes and green onions to a boil. Lower to a simmer 2. Cook for about 30 minutes, until potatoes are soft. Strain potatoes, green onions and stock through a sieve, and return to pot. Bring back to a simmer over a low heat. 3. Whisk in sour cream. Add 3/4 of the berries and cook on low heat until the first berries split. Set aside remaining berries. 4. Remove from heat and chill overnight. 5. With a fork, mash the blueberry mixture and thin with the milk to desired consistency. (for a smoother texture blend in blender) 6. Garnish with remainder of berries.  

Source: Berries by Robert Berkley, Fireside, 1990.