Grapefruit-Crab Salad


Grapefruit-Crab Salad


Quantity Ingredients
6 cups mixed salad greens, torn
3 grapefruit, peeled
2 medium tomatoes, cut into wedges
2 6-ounce cans crabmeat, drained, flaked and cartila
1 small green pepper, sliced into rings
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise or salad dressing
lettuce leaves


1. Line 4 individual plates with lettuce leaves; top with torn greens. Section grapefruit over a bowl to catch juice. Set juice aside. Remove seeds from sections. Arrange grapefruit sections, tomatoes, crabmeat and green pepper rings on top of greens. 2. In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of the reserved grapefruit juice, the mayonnaise, yogurt, hard-cooked egg white, ketchup and hot pepper sauce. 3. If desired, stir in additional grapefruit juice, 1 teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency. Top each salad with some of the dressing mixture. 

Source: The Florida Department of Citrus