Thai Iced Coffee

This recipe works best with strong coffee: make espresso the day before (several shots) and store in the fridge (double strength coffee works too; as does a cold-brew concentrate). 

Thai Iced Coffee


Quantity Ingredients
Each serving will need:
crushed ice
2 oz sweetened condensed milk
2-3 oz prepared strong coffee, chilled


For each serving: 1. Fill a tall, slender high ball glass with crushed ice (about 1/3 of the way). 2. In a separate glass, fill with sweetened condensed milk. 3. Pour cold coffee over the sweetened condensed milk (you�ll notice the coffee will sit on top as its own layer). Stir rapidly with a spoon until well blended. Pour over the ice in the other glass. This is a great dessert unto itself, especially after a spicy asian meal. You can garnish with either a sprinkle of cinnamon � although a drop of vanilla and/or anise makes for paradise in a cup. 

Source: Adapted from