The "slow food" movement

April 14, 2004 in Food Companies, Manufacturing and Trends

The "slow food" movement

In these days of fast food one might think that slow food is an odd concept. But times are changing -- again! There exists an international movement that urges people to find time for meals made from scratch. It also praises the benefits of regional traditions and recipes using all-natural foods grown by local farmers. It's called the Slow Food movement and it's catching on.

"It's about slowing down, respecting people's natural rhythms and reacquainting people with the ritual of the table," said Patrick Martins, director of Slow Food USA, based in New York. The U.S. group has 12,000 dues-paying members. The movement started in 1986 when Italian author Carlo Petrini, incensed by a McDonald's opening near the Spanish Steps in Rome, accused corporate chains of destroying many foods and traditions. Today, Slow Food does not endorse any bans or boycotts of fast food restaurants and other less healthy eating establishments.

This summer the movement is planning its first summer camp to show youngsters a new kind of "happy meal" -- one that comes from farmers' markets and relies on familiar food traditions. In Georgia, that may be as simple as a slice of pie made from the state's pecans or peaches; in Washington State, a souffle made of indigenous Olympia oysters; in New Mexico, a salsa made of native chilies; or a bowl of Zinzania wild rice in the upper Midwest.

Interested in learning more? Visit Slow Food at

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