Don't get too excited. While the chocolate industry would have you believe that the antioxidants found in chocolate will help protect you from heart disease, nutrition and health professionals are saying otherwise.
For instance, the candy company has mentioned on its Web site research indicating that chocolate has four times the concentration of catechins - antioxidant chemicals - as black tea, according to a chemical analysis by Dutch researchers.
Of course, the scientists were comparing 3 1/2 ounces of chocolate, or more than 500 calories' worth, to a half-cup of tea, which has no calories! Mars has also reported that ounce for ounce, chocolate has more antioxidant "activity" than many fruits and vegetables.
But an ounce of chocolate has about 150 calories, whereas an ounce of strawberries contains nine calories and an ounce of broccoli floret has only eight.
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