Animal research from The University of Toronto suggests that fat-laden meal plans can take a toll on the brain by effectively starving it of its energy supply.
In experiments with rats, investigators found that putting the animals on high-fat diets slowed their ability to learn new tasks. Compared with rats eating a standard diet, the animals on a high fat diet performed more poorly on tests of learning and memory.
The study's authors believe high-fat diets may hinder brain function by promoting resistance to insulin, a hormone that plays a key role in controlling blood sugar. Insulin resistance (a condition in which the body loses its sensitivity to insulin) is a precursor to diabetes. Since obesity is a key trigger of insulin resistance, any high-calorie lifestyle may increase the risk of diabetes.
This theory that high fat diets and cause brain impairment through insulin resistance is supported by studies suggesting that diabetics often suffer a decline in certain mental functions such as long-term memory.
Moreover, there is evidence from human studies that carbohydrates may boost memory. In a small study of older adults, the University of Toronto researchers found that a breakfast of mashed potatoes or barley gave a lift to participants' performance on memory tests. A diet lacking in carbohydrates essentially cuts off the brain's main energy supply--glucose, or sugar. In addition, a scarcity of glucose can impede the synthesis of acetylcholine, a chemical involved in transmitting nerve signals in the brain.
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