A national campaign is now underway to raise awareness of life-threatening food allergies, known as anaphylaxis. Even the smallest exposure to an allergen can cause death in those who have anaphylactic allergies, as was the case with two Canadian teens. Teens are in a high-risk group, according to statistics, and Anaphylaxis Canada is striving to educate the public and increase the safety of all children at risk of anaphylaxis.
Ontario's new legislation, called Sabrina's Law, requires public schools to have strategies in place to manage anaphylaxis. That law, which took effect January 1, 2006 is named for Sabrina Shannon, another teenager who died from anaphylaxis.
Peanuts are a common anaphylactic allergen and many Canadian schools are already peanut-free as a result. But as the incidence of allergy increases, so does the urgency for Canadians to learn to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis. In such a reaction, the prompt administration of the drug epinephrine can save a life. For more information: www.csaci.medical.org www.anaphylaxis.ca www.aaia.ca www.allergicliving.com www.aqaa.qc.ca
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