According to researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, increased vitamin D levels during youth may cut the risk of breast cancer later in life by over 30 percent.
To study the effects of vitamin D on breast cancer risk, researchers recruited over 900 women with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer, and over 1,100 healthy controls. For each group they assessed major sources of vitamin D intake during adolescence, including sunlight exposure, cod liver oil intake and milk consumption.
Researchers found that exposure to sunlight during adolescence, was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer by 35 percent.
Cod liver oil was associated with a 24 percent reduced risk, while milk consumption (10 glasses per week) was associated with a 38 percent lower risk.
While there were some limitations to the study, most notably, being based on recall of dietary habits early in life - these findings do support a rapidly growing body of evidence that suggests vitamin D may protect against cancer. These latest findings were published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.
The official recommendations from the U.S. based Institute of Medicine call for people between the ages 1 and 50 to consume 200 IU of vitamin D daily. Adults aged 51 to 70 need 400 IU and after the age of 70, a daily intake of 600 IU is recommended. (With age, the ability of our skin to produce vitamin D from sunlight is decreased.)
Yet, these numbers are deemed too low by many experts. The Osteoporosis Society of Canada advises adults aged 19-50 get 400 IU (international units) of vitamin D each day and adults over 50 consume 800 IU. Other experts suggest a daily vitamin D intake of 1000 IU for cancer prevention.
Main sources of vitamin D include sunlight (it is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight), egg yolks, fatty fish, milk, and fortified milk alternatives. Most multivitamins supply 400 IU of the vitamin.
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