The introduction of more than 5,000 low-fat and non-fat foods over the past decade has contributed to an epidemic of obesity in North America. The trouble comes when people think they can eat unlimited amounts of reduced-fat cookies, frozen yogurt and cakes. While these foods contain less fat than their full-fat versions, they tend to have more sugar and can be even higher in calories.
Experts recommend that consumers read nutrition facts labels to compare the number of calories in each serving with the number of servings in the entire container of food. Choosing fresh produce and other fiber-rich foods allows a person to eat a large volume for relatively few calories because it promotes a feeling of fullness. Low-fat foods that provide more bulk and fiber may reduce the sensation of hunger for a longer period of time.
Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York advises patients to view fat-free and low-fat desserts the same way they view full-fat desserts--as an occasional treat.
The advice from health experts comes at a time when rates of obesity are unprecedented in the US and Canada.
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