Uncooked soy helps lower blood cholesterol

November 2, 2005 in Heart Health, Nutrition Topics in the News

Uncooked soy helps lower blood cholesterol

Latest research findings suggest that eating two servings a day of soy protein - such as that found in tofu or soymilk can lower blood cholesterol levels by as much as 9 percent. However, in order to have these benefits, the soy must remain uncooked.

Researchers found that eating uncooked soy protein in the form of two 12-ounce (340 ml) servings of soymilk daily or two 2-ounce (57 grams) servings of tofu resulted in an 8 to 9 percent decrease in low-density lipoprotein, the so-called bad cholesterol that can lead to heart disease.

Unfortunately soy-fortified muffins, cereals or nutritional bars in which the soy protein was baked at high temperatures do not provide the benefit. However, if it is tofu you prefer, not to worry, cooking the tofu does not destroy the key proteins because they have already been stabilized say researchers. The health benefit also is found in such products as soy nuts, soy powder sprinkled on food or in milkshakes, or edamame, a raw or parboiled edible form of soybeans.

To maximize the benefits that soy has to offer on cholesterol levels, researchers suggest the optimal effect comes from two modest servings, instead of one large portion.

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