Eating three or more servings a week of green leafy vegetables or root vegetables could reduce the risk of stomach cancer, say researchers from Sweden.
In the study of more than 81,000 people, researchers performed food frequency questionnaires and compared them to the incidence of stomach cancer. The men in the study were part of the Cohort of Swedish Men and the women were part of the Swedish Mammography Cohort.
During the seven year follow up period, researchers found general vegetable consumption to be inversely associated with stomach cancer risk, while fruit consumption was not found to have a protective effect.
When researchers focused on green leafy vegetables, like spinach and lettuce, they found that people who ate more then three servings per week had a 46 percent lower risk of stomach than people who ate less than half a serving per week.
When researchers looked at root vegetables, people who ate three servings or more per week had a 57 percent lower risk of developing stomach cancer than people who ate less than one serving per week.
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