Calcium protects against colorectal cancer

January 18, 2007 in Cancer Prevention, Nutrition Topics in the News, Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements

Calcium protects against colorectal cancer

Research findings from the Calcium Follow-up Study suggest calcium supplements may protect against colorectal cancer risk for up to 5 years after supplementation stops.

This most recent study, a follow up to the Calcium Polyp Prevention Study, found that participants experienced a 12 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer risk, even up to five years after they stopped receiving calcium supplements. 

The initial study found that participants experienced a 17 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer while taking the supplements.

While a protective effect was seen within 5 years of calcium supplementation, no protective effect was seen after the 5 year mark.

The findings, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute did not study what the protective mechanism might be.

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