A new study from Cardiff University in Wales has found that regular consumption of dairy products decreased the incidence of metabolic syndrome by up to 62 percent in men aged 45-59. In particular, a daily pint (2 cups) of milk was associated with greater risk reduction then other dairy products.
Metabolic syndrome, characterized by abdominal obesity, high blood pressure and impaired fasting glucose is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
All subjects in the Caerphilly Prospective Study had components of metabolic syndrome at the start of the study, but those who drank milk and ate dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, were significantly less likely to have the syndrome after 20 years.
Diabetes researchers already encourage regular consumption of low-fat dairy because it is associated with reduced risk of diabetes in women. Higher dairy consumption has also been associated with lower body weight in men and women according to a 2005 study in the International Journal of Obesity.
For more information on the health benefits of milk and tips on adding more milk to your diet visit the Dairy Farmers of Canada.
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