Sleep to stay thin

May 8, 2009 in Nutrition Topics in the News, Weight Management

Sleep to stay thin

Getting a good night's rest may be the secret of staying thin, say researchers from Amsterdam.

After a bad night's sleep, people ate 550 calories (22 percent) more than usual show the findings of a study by the European Centre of Taste Science in Dijon in central France. (There are roughly 550 calories in one large hamburger.)

Overall, feelings of hunger were higher among a test group who slept four hours the previous night than among those who slept eight hours.

Children's weights are also affect by duration of sleep. A separate study conducted by researchers at the Netherlands' Maastricht University found that children who got less sleep during puberty than when they were younger also gained more weight compared to children whose sleep patterns did not change.

These results show sleep deprivation increases food intake and could be a factor promoting obesity. Sleep also plays an important role in our personal health. Lack of sleep is associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and depression.

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