Eggs for breakfast help lower calorie consumption later in the day

April 9, 2010 in Nutrition Topics in the News, Weight Management

Eggs for breakfast help lower calorie consumption later in the day
A new study has shown that eating protein-rich eggs for breakfast helps reduce hunger and decreases calorie consumption throughout the day.
The study, published in Nutrition Research, found that men who consumed an egg-based breakfast ate significantly fewer calories when offered an unlimited lunch buffet compared to when they ate a carbohydrate-rich bagel breakfast of equal calories.

In the study, twenty-one men each ate two different test breakfasts. On one test day the participants ate an egg-based, protein-rich breakfast including three scrambled eggs and one-and-a-half pieces of white toast. On another test day they ate a bagel-based, carbohydrate-rich breakfast including one plain bagel, one half tablespoon of low-fat cream cheese and six ounces of low-fat yogurt.

The two breakfasts contained identical calories, but when the men ate the egg-based breakfast the researchers found that not only did they eat 112 fewer calories at a lunch buffet three hours later, they also consumed about 400 fewer calories in the 24 hours period following the egg breakfast.

The study findings aren't entirely surprising.  They support a growing body of research that shows high quality protein, including that found in eggs, may help prolong feelings of fullness, and may play a starring role in weight management.

Looking for ways to add high-quality protein to your diet to help you lose weight?  Click here to learn more about Leslie Beck's range of nutrition counselling services, including personalized meal plans, and customized nutrition recommendations. 

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